Sunday, April 24, 2011

The End

I keep falling with every step I take,
Falling to a pit that seems to never answer,
Answer with a sound that marks an oasis,
Answer with a report to conclude any anguish,
I scream things unknown to myself,
Words that have meaning only to the world,
Hope fills me that one may respond,
This hope dies as soon as it is created,
I know no one can see me,
I know no one can hear me,
This pit encloses everything with no spare to be seen,
I cannot see up nor down as each has no relevance,
Alone as I ever wanted to be,
Alone as I never thought I could be,
I now regret everything..

"Urocyon cinereoargenteus"

Friday, April 15, 2011

Falling Down

Why she goes back there I will never understand,
Torment from generations never learning from their past all converge within.
She says they will learn the error if she is patient and compassionate,
All they learn is that she will never be out of their grasp.
When she walks away, she repents as soon as regret enters her mind,
They sit waiting with smiles, on her return smiles sneak behind sobs of triumph.
She sees none of this in her unencumbered loyalty to kindred blood,
Pain will show her all the mistakes she has made if an outside voice cannot help.
Will her other half be the source of strength and guidance out of this life imprisonment,
Or will she succumb to her past of undignified service to those that have no value for her?
The crackled static of a phone never answered shall show her true path,
To either those who have caused her the pain or those who would have it ended for all eternity.

"Panthera uncia"

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Flames abound with reason unknown,
Reaching for life to spark new thoughts.
Every glimmer brings meaning,
Each burn shows the truth.
As time moves on the torch may whither,
Before it dwindles, it will grow to show all might.
With power displayed at true force the end will come,
As strength repeals new form will be born.
The next cycle may be the right one,
The next cycle may be the last one.

"Lithobates pipiens"

Friday, April 8, 2011


Rage ensues.
No competent knowledge of origin.
All beliefs are misconstrued by hatred.
I can't find meaning behind anything.
Rage develops.
Anger is bleeding from every pore.
Every action not of self causes turmoil.
The river wade within surges with fire.
What care should there be?
I find none.
Something needs to break the barrier.
All prior entries have collapsed.
Will the door ever be open for good?
Should it be?